WestWind Airlines Beechcraft 1900D Auto Install Follow these instructions and you'll soon be flying WestWind Air's exciting new Beechcraft 1900D. In addition, you'll be doing it with enhanced panels (two to choose from) and enhanced sound files. Please read the following instructions CAREFULLY before doing anything. IMPORTANT NOTE: For this installation to work properly, four conditions must first exist. 1) Your Microsoft Flight Simulator program must be installed on your C: Drive. 2) Your Flight Simulator directory is called Fltsim5 (path is C:\Fltsim5). 3) Flight Shop by BAO Software is already installed in your system. 4) You must have an SVGA card/monitor (for the panels). If the above conditions are met, read on! Step 1: Create a new directory on your C: drive called B1900D. Step 2: Copy the B1900D_C.EXE file to the newly created B1900D directory. Step 3: Go to that directory using DOS and type B1900D. This .exe file will load numerous files within the B1900D directory. Step 4: Once all the files are loaded, locate the Install.bat file within the directory. Type Install using DOS. All the files will go where they belong. A new directory called Hangar will be created on your C: Drive. ...Taxi into position and hold... ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are already using a "tweaked" version of Flight Simulator (where you are running non-default sound and/or panel files as the defaults), you'll need to make a back up copy of all of them. The following steps will temporarily load new sound and panel files (replacing the defaults). At the conclusion of flying, FS5 DEFAULT (note, DEFAULT) sounds and panels will be restored. These might not match your "tweaked" default files. Step 5: Go to the new Hangar directory. In it, type either B1900Da or B1900Db using DOS. The panel you've selected will load automatically. Step 6: Fire up FS5. Step 7: Go to the Aircraft menu and select Beechcraft 1900D, WestWind Air. This will load your panel and enhanced sounds. Cleared for takeoff!!! Oh ya, almost forgot... When finished flying, restoring FS5 DEFAULT panels and sounds is a breeze... Step 1: Go back into the Hangar directory on your C: Drive Step 2: Type Restore using DOS. All the FS5 DEFAULT panels and sounds will re-load. Disclaimers, etc... I assume no responsibility for any chaos, damage or unpleasant happenings that may occur with all of the above. Load & fly at your own risk -- makes it more exciting and I sleep better at night. I have only tested this with Flight Simulator 5.1 (CD Version). I have NOT tested this with any other version. I suspect it will work fine with 5.1 (floppy) too. I didn't design the plane, panels or sound files (I'm not Worthy!!!) but some other very talented people did. Credit goes where credit is due... Hal Groce designed the plane. Hal can be reached at hgroce@mindspring.com Max Spoerri designed the panel I call "B1900Da" -- which he calls the "MD81-UNI.zip" panel. Max can be reached via CompuServe at 100737,1404 Tom Main designed the panel I call "B1900Db" -- which he calls the "fsfspnl.zip". Tom can be reached at HazCom9@aol.com Both Max and Tom based their panel designs on a great 727 "first officer's" 727 panel by Hardy Heinlin. The majority of the sound files came from Serge Baye's "Sound Manager." Serge can be reached thru CompuServe at 101334,1366 or via the Internet at 10334.1366@compuserve.com. The B1900D.wav sound came from Gerry L Watkins. He called it "prop2.wav" and made it available with his J31 aircraft. Gerry can be reached via the Internet at maverick@TTCI.net. A big airman salute to all of the above. They make spending hours glued to a computer monitor as, Mr. Rogers says, "Special." Finally... In case you aren't aware of it. BAO software has made available on their home page, a "patch" (or upgrade) to their Flight Shop. I highly recommend loading it and running it. Everything works better when you do. BAO's Internet address is http://www.bao.com . Have fun with the plane, panels and sounds! Good Flyin'!!! Sean "Capt'n Crash" Reilly, Chief Pilot, Beech 1900D WestWind Airlines SEA Hub Assistant Capt'n Ps: I can be reached at... sean.r@ix.netcom.com if you have any questions.